Sunday, February 10, 2013

Another reasons?

The entry below is mainly my reason in making this blog. Simply an excuse to avoid interaction with other people. Same with reading books. Reading is my passion, my safe haven. :) When i picked up a book, I'm so engrossed in reading that I feel like I'm the only one left in the world. But it doesn't matter since I'm in my own protective bubble. By reading books and using my imagination, I can go to different places I never imagined exist, experience many things and learn so many things about different things and circumstances.

That's the second reason, to use this to share my findings and reactions to certain books that I read. Books that make me feel so many emotions and make me feel so alive while reading it. Aside from books, I'm also fond of reading manga and watching anime. I think a better label for that is, OTAKU. Yeah, at least I think I am, I collect manga, trinkets, posters, etc. from various anime that I like.

I love my hobbies, but sadly, it doesn't involve much of human interaction. I'm not saying I have very poor social skills, I'm fairly normal in that area, I'm just shy afraid? No, I think the introvert side of me comes out when I'm only of them, but of course I'm a good actress so I manage to hide it from them.

I don't think I'm a very good writer. I just write whatever I want whenever I want in however I want but there are times when drastic times call for drastic measures and I need to become serious in my writings. But this isn't one of those times :)))

So aside from ranting about myself, I'm also going to use MY BLOG (!!) to post random stuffs I'm into and anything I want!!!!

I promise that I'm going to be active in this blog, unlike the others :( , so Me, take good care of this and overcome this predicament of yours.

Ja! That's it for today. I still have a concept paper due the day after tomorrow. Oh Procrastination! How cruel art thou!!

Reasons and Excuses

As the title implies, I'm a runaway. A runaway which always running from all her problems, afraid to confront them because she's always alone, always left alone. With nobody to confide to, she made this blog, in order to be an outlet to all her emotions and feelings. What interests her, what and who makes her happy even for just a moment. The intensity of the happiness she felt whenever she manage to interact with people who is important to her, who at the end of the day cast their shadows behind them which is the only thing the girl sees. She's sick of always pretending, sick of pretending to be this jolly girl who's always with them, afraid to show her true feeling about the situation, sick of showing her fake and poker face in front of them while in truth, she's hurting inside. Hurting, always hurting. She wants to be free from the chains that links her to them, but she can't, because she loves them. She loves them with all her heart, that's why she persevere and sacrifice. She doesn't want them to worry about her and view her something out of the norm or they wasn't used to. That's why she wants the day to come when she will finally have the courage to tell them all her thoughts and feelings about them.

Because of this dilemma of hers, she became very fond of reading books. She became fond of the idea of escapism, running away from the reality even for just a moment, she want to live the characters she read in the books. But after she read the book, she's not unhappy of the fact that her fantasy is over, she came back to reality. Instead, she's more than happy, she's contented, she manage to live a life through the book and she use it improve herself for the better.

There are many chains that bound a person and there's only one chain she wants to be free of, the chain that keeps her from reaching the hearts of the one she loves. She wants to break free of this chains and reach them... Soon, very soon, the day will come. :)